Instructor meeting 2024
On January 13th and 14th 2024, a group of F.O.T.T.® instructors met at Burgau Therapy Centre, Germany for a jointly organised workshop.
As in 2022, the aim of the meeting was to ensure the quality of course content. Selected topics were prepared and discussed in theory and practice.
The following points were reflected and worked on in constructive exchange and a positive learning atmosphere supported by mutual feedback.
First day
On the first day experiences of variations of the F.O.T.T.® Ground Course programme were discussed, while focussing on retaining all modules.
Components of the five-day ground-course, such as the topics normal eating and the associated 'Apple – Biscuit' workshop as well as the workshops 'Face' and 'Jaw – support swallowing', were prepared highlighting didactic presentation and practical hands-on work with a partner.
It became evident that it is helpful in all workshops to emphasise complexity and transfer knowledge into functional activity.
Second day
The focus of the meeting’s second day was on the topic 'oral hygiene'.
Concerning this big and important topic, we dealt with the aims and objectives of oral hygiene at different ages (from babies to the elderly), typical symptoms, the preparation of oral hygiene, the practical part of the workshop 'Oral hygiene', the topic of dental prostheses and materials for oral hygiene.
Before course participants experience what it's like to clean someone else's mouth, it is helpful to first carry out the structured procedure on themselves. We tried this new approach on ourselves. Especially the constant jaw control with the jaw support grip during this self-experience will promote its application in succeeding partner work and in its transfer to patient treatment.
We discussed the use of dental care products, such as cleaning swabs with small sponges. The main point is to use cleaning swabs in a differentiated way and not without reflection. Another point in the practice-oriented discussion was rinsing the mouth with supportive grips, when active rinsing is still difficult for patients, e.g. due to a lack of (coordinated) tongue-, lip- and cheek movements.