A/F.O.T.T.® | Tracheostomy Tubes


Five-day interprofessional course in theory and practice on the assessment and treatment of the oral tract and face in patients with tracheostomy tubes (not requiring mechanical ventilation) who have central lesions, including neurogenic dysphagi.
Based on the F.O.T.T.® concept by Kay Coombes and expanding the knowledge and skills taught in the F.O.T.T.® Ground Course.


Target group

Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, examined nurses/carers and doctors


Eligibility requirements

  • Completed F.O.T.T.® Ground Course with at least six months of experience in practising and using the concept.
  • Create a video recording of your own patient treatment.
  • Basic skills in handling, transferring and positioning patients with typical neurological movement impairments.


Recommendation to repeat the content of the F.O.T.T.® Ground Course

Before participating in the Advanced Course, it is recommended to repeat the basic content of the F.O.T.T.® Ground Course using the course script and/or with help of the e-learning module which has been part of the Ground Course since 2017.
Those who have finished their F.O.T.T.® Ground Course before that date can purchase the e-learning module in the webshop.


Course leaders/number of participants

2 F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructors or 1 F.O.T.T.® Senior Instructor with 1 F.O.T.T.® Instructor with a maximum of 12 participants.


Course Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of the effect of a tracheostomy tube on the functional interaction of breathing, swallowing and airway protection.
  • Apply a functional and activity-orientated therapeutic approach in the rehabilitation of tracheostomised patients.
  • Knowledge of the therapeutic procedure for suctioning and unblocking a tracheostomy tube.
  • Understand the need of an interprofessional management in the care and treatment of patients with a tracheostomy tube.


Course content

  • Typical problems of patients with tracheostomy tubes.
  • Different tracheostomy tubes and how they work from a therapeutic and nursing point of view.
  • Key points of goal-oriented tracheostomy tube management.
  • Supervised treatment of patients (max. three patients) with video recordings and video analysis.
  • Nursing and medical aspects of tracheostoma care, Therapeutic Deflation of the Cuff and Therapeutic Decannulation as weaning training of a tracheostomy tube.
    Integration of a self-produced video of a patient treatment according to the F.O.T.T.® concept with feedback from the course instructors.



  • Teaching of theory, practical work of the participants with each other supervised by the course instructor, self-experiences.
  • Examination and treatment of patients by the course participants supervised by the course instructors and subsequent video analysis.


There are currently no English-language offers of this course. At the moment, this course is only available in German language from organisers in Germany and/or Switzerland. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in such a course.



FOrmaTT GmbH
Igelweg 1
D-29640 Schneverdingen

+49 (0) 5193 982 7453
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